VOTE || The identity of Democratic Citizen

What is democracy?

Democracy is giving freedom to the public to choose their rulers. Its an indirect act of ruling thyself. The word Democracy is derived from the Greek words de-mos meaning "The common people" and cracy meaning rule, thus Democracy is nothing but giving "The common people to rule" directly or indirectly.

But, How the common people can rule?

Here comes the most practiced Democratic policy of "choosing thy rulers" through Elections. Democracy gives the ordinary people to decide its rulers. Thus Democracy is a kind of system where the people decide how their country should be run and by whom. And is a kind of "Representative Democracy" as the people represents some one to rule them. 

What is Elections?

An election is a formal way of decision making process by which a group of people choose their representative. In a democratic country, elections will be the first step towards choosing their democracy governance. Through elections people will be deciding their leaders. Elections are conducted by providing vote facility to each citizen of thy community, where people elect their leader with thy vote.

The person most voted in the election will tend to be the leader of the community to rule them in a more formal way. Thus, the person with major votes received will becomes the leader of the community. Elections are the means of giving power to rule thy community.

And this is how the Democracy works. So far we just known about Democracy, but how many countries in the world are so Democratic giving its people to rule thyself?

Democratic countries in the world?

Unfortunately, more than half of the countries in the world are non-democratic.

The above picture shows the map of democratic vs non-democratic countries. This map shows how much freedom countries had. The color coding is described below.

     Free (90)           Partly Free (58)         Not Free (47)

The map shows North and South American continents and Australia consists of more free Nations and India from Asia are the most free nations across the world. Source: Freedom House

The fun part

After the world war-II many nations declared as Democratic them selves, but a few only have been succeeded in implementing so. The map below depicts the nations declared themselves as free nations or democratic. 

The countries in blue declared themselves as free nations and have been accepted the idea of democracy.The countries in red are Saudi Arabia and Myanmar. Source: Wiki

The Real Democratic Nations

Here is the Democracy Index of Nations across the world. The map below shows the countries with respective democracy index level. source: Economist Intelligence Unit Survey

Full democracies:
Flawed democracies:
Hybrid regimes:
Authoritarian regimes:
Insufficient information, no rating:


India is well known for its democracy policies across the world. Being the most democratic, India stands at the top of most democratic countries across the world. In India, every 5 years the Democracy leaders will be elected through elections. Presently India is having its 16th Loksabha elections for the term of 2014-2019.

Here are a few pics of people heading towards their hometowns to cast their votes. Pics were taken at Hyderabad,India on 30th April'14 on which the elections took place in Telangana region of Andhra Pradesh state.